پنجشنبه 23 اسفند 1403


  • Niroo Research Institute


  • Saeed Moshiri

Editorial Board

  • Majid Ahmadiyan
  • Majid Amidpour
  • Farideh Atabi
  • Joel F. Bruneau
  • Gevork B. Gharehpetian
  • Mohammad Sadegh Ghazizadeh
  • Stefan lechtenboehmer
  • Mohammad Hasan Panjeshahi
  • Hossein Sadeghi
  • Yuri Valentinovich
  • Behrouz Arabi
  • Masoud Barati


  • Kioumars Heydari

Executive Manager

  • Ladan Khorsand
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 2821-2061
Online ISSN: 2821-207X
Website address: jeedev.nri.ac.ir
Journal of Energy and Economic Development (JEEDEV) is the premier field journal for energy economics with emphasis on power system issues around the world. Themes include, but are not limited to, the exploitation, conversion, and use of all types of energy, energy markets, regulation and taxation, energy tariff setting, forecasting, environment and climate, international trade and market reforms.
Manuscripts can be theoretical, empirical, or a critical review of literature. Contributions to the journal can use a range of methods such as econometrics, experiments, surveys, decomposition, calibration, simulation, equilibrium models, optimization, and analytical models. Original research papers on energy market issues and policy analysis in developing countries are particularly welcome.
  • Country of Publication: Iran
  • Publisher: Niroo research Institute
  • Format: Print and Online
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Publication Dates: March, June, September, December
  • Advance Access: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Scope: Energy and Environmental Economics
  • Open Access: Yes
  • Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
  • Policy: Double-blind Peer Review
  • Review Time: Two months approximately
  • Contact E-mail: jeedev@nri.ac.ir
  • Website: http://jeedev.nri.ac.ir/
  • Executive Director:Ladan Khorsand
  • Phone: +98-(21) 88378969 , +98-(21) 88079400-4920
The journal aims at publishing quality research work in both theoretical, empirical areas addressing challenges facing the production and use of energy across the world. It also serves to facilitate discussions among researchers on a wide range of topics in the fields of energy, environment, and economics. The journal will publish original quality research work in the following areas:

Energy Demand

  • Consumer Behavior
  • Demand Modeling & Forecasting
  • Demand side Management

Energy & Environment

  • Environmental Markets
  • Sustainable Development
  • Externalities


  • Regulatory Body Structure
  • Social and Environmental regulation
  • Firms Financial Analysis
  • Surveillance and Monitoring

Energy & Macroeconomic

  • International Cooperation
  • Macroeconomic & Energy Modeling
  • Government & Energy sector

Energy Exchange & Markets

  • Power Markets
  • Interactions & Business
  • Energy Exchange
  • Energy and Market Structure

Knowledge Economics & Energy

  • Research & Development
  • Digital Economics
  • Innovation & Technological change

Energy Supply

  • Asset Management
  • Investment
  • Modeling and Planning
  • Water-Energy Nexus

Energy Policy

  • Energy Taxes
  • Energy Subsidies
  • Energy Market Reforms

Energy Access

Mandatory file type for submisson:

  • Manuscript main file
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Copyright Transfer Form
  • Cover Letter Sample
Please Check Forms in JEEDEV

1. Accepted Articles

Journal of Energy and Economic Development (JEEDEV) publishes articles in various fields of the sciences. The articles that are published are all scientific, based on research and scholarly work, and of high quality. Qualitative and quantitative research papers are all acceptable. The important thing to bear in mind is that each paper must be innovative in its relevant field and make a contribution to the research in that specific field of study.
Manuscripts Type:
Original article
This is the most common type of journal manuscript used to publish full reports of data from research. It may be called an Original Article, Research Article, Research, or just Article, depending on the journal.
Critical literature review
Refers to an analytical technique in the qualitative research method, which entails in-depth analysis and critical evaluation of information collected from many sources for the purpose of generating new and richer insights in research.
Book review
A book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is merely described or analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review may be a primary source, opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review.

2. Review Process

The review process is quite vital for any and all renowned scientific publications around the world in order to preserve and improve the quality and validity of scholarly endeavors. The review process for all NRI Press journals and articles includes a double-blind, peer-reviewed process, meaning that the author(s) and reviewer(s) have no information or knowledge regarding the other party’s identity.
Each manuscript submitted to the journal for publication will be examined by at least two independent reviewers. All manuscripts sent to the journal for publication will be checked for plagiarism before being sent to the reviewers. The journal has a zero-tolerance’ policy for plagiarism.
The editor-in-chief ensures that the peer-review process will proceed confidentially and that no one other than the authors and the reviewers will have access to the content of the submitted paper until it has been published in the journal. The final decision on the manuscript would be entirely based on the reviewers' decisions, with no external factor in play. In the case of disagreement between the reviewers, the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the paper will be made either by a third reviewer or the editorial board.
At Journal of Energy and Economic Development (JEEDEV) the anonymity of all personnel within the review process for all articles, especially that of the reviewers, is observed with the utmost care and precision through a compartmented online data management system.
To help safeguard this process, please observe the following when submitting your papers:
The cover page (first page) of your file is required to include the title of the article, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and a reliable contact information for the corresponding author including email address, telephone number, and a complete home address.
The title page (second page) of your file is required to include only the title of the article without any other extra information.
All other pages of the rest of your file need be empty of any and all information which may disclose the identity of the author(s).
Please do not write the name of the author(s) before the abstract or in the footnotes of any page.
Once a paper is submitted to journal, it will primarily be examined by the editorial board of that journal. In case the paper has the necessary basic requirements and qualifies for a review process, it will be sent to relevant reviewers to undergo the double-blind, peer-review process. Once the review process is finished, the paper will be either:
Accepted; Conditional Accepted (pending the implementation of revisions suggested by reviewers or the editorial board); or; Rejected.
Please Check Response to Reviewer

3. Author Ethical Considerations

The authors should not falsify or fabricate data, data sources, findings, claims, or credentials.
Academic honesty should be considered by authors. They should reference when they reported or utilized any materials or data verbatim no matter it is published, unpublished, or electronically available.
No discrimination with regard to race, ethnicity, culture, nationality, gender, age, religion, language, disability, or socioeconomic status should be found in the submitted manuscripts.
All the authors should get the informed consent of the participants of their studies. In consonant, protection of participants’ privacy and maintaining their anonymity should be meticulously considered in the manuscripts.
All funding sources of the research must be clearly acknowledged.

4. Manuscript Style

Manuscripts can be theoretical, empirical, or a critical review of litrature. Manuscripts should not be under consideration by any other journal. Neither should it have been published in full or partial form in any other journal or full-length conference proceedings. The letter accompanying the submission of a manuscript should contain a clear statement to this effect, i.e. the manuscript has not been published and is not under review by any other journals.
Submissions should be produced using a standard word processing program, such as MS Word. Figures should be supplied in a finished form, suitable for reproduction, as these cannot be redrawn by the journal. Footnotes/Endnotes should be as much as possible.
Please ensure that the files are saved as Word files. Any consistent spelling style is acceptable. Use double quotation and use single quotation marks within double if needed.
Typing: Manuscripts submitted for publication should be word processed and double-spaced throughout.
Length: The length should be 6000-9000 words, including references and appendices, with an abstract of 200-250 words and up to 6 key words. Manuscripts not observing this length will not be reviewed for publication.
Spacing and paragraphing: All paragraphs should be indented except those immediately following headings. All paragraphs should be justified and no additional, i.e. space after, is needed between paragraphs.
Titles: Titles and section headings should be clear and brief. A manuscript should follow the section structure below:
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • References

        Volume1. issue1

Subject Paper Title Authors
Energy & Environment Drivers of CO2 Emissions from Power Plants in Selected Fossil Fuel- Producing Countries Vahid Ghorbani Pashakolaie,
Kioumars Heydari,
Mohammad Sayadi
Regulation Governance in Electricity Regulatory Frameworks: A Comparative Assessment Maryam Mohammadi,
Mohammad Reza Lotfalipour
Energy Demand Data Mining Techniques in Efficiency Analysis of Wholesale Electricity Market: A Case Study of Iran Masoumeh Rostam Niakan Kalhori,
Iman Taheri Emami,
Masoud Hasani Marzooni
Energy Access Utilization of Gridable Vehicles to Improve Spinning Reserve of Power System Including Renewable Energy Sources Zahra Madihi Bidgoli,
Gholamhossein Riahi Dehkordi
Energy Policy The Distributional Effects of Gasoline Price Reform in Iran: Incremental Price Increases or One Large Hike? Ali Faridzad
Energy Policy Terrorism & Electricity Industry: Relying on the Legislative Criminal Policy of Iran, & US Government Actions against Electricity Terrorism Mohammad Asadi Jonoushi,
Vahideh Ansari

        Volume1. issue2

Subject Paper Title Authors
Energy and Market Structure A Survey of the Global Electricity Trade Network Structure Leila Mirtajadini
Shamsollah Shirin Bakhsh
Mir Hossein Mousavi
Sustainable Development Stochastic Downside Risk-Constrained Scheduling for a Sustainable Power System Seyedeh Soudabeh Zadsar,
Masoud Rashidinejad,
Amir Abdolahi,
Sobhan Dorahaki,
Mohammad Reza Salehizadeh
Research & Development Electrical Distribution Network Indices Gap Analysis between Iran, the European Union, and the United States Mohsen Arzani,
Faramarz Ghelichi,
Sara Namdar
International Cooperation Caspian Basin Natural Gas Transfer: A Cooperative Game Theory Approach Soroosh Baghdadi
Energy & Macroeconomic The Effect of Wealth Funds and Institutional Quality on the Interaction between Oil Price and Economy Growth Elham kheirandish,
Sholeh Bagheri pormehr
Power Markets Steady State price of Iran Capacity Certificate Market Hassan Mardani,
Mohammad Sadegh Ghazizadeh